MBAIAA Newsletter – January 2020

Published on January 22, 2020

Step 1 – “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol -that our lives had become unmanageable.”

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.  Page 21

“It is no coincidence that the very first step mentions powerlessness; An admission of personal powerlessness over alcohol is the cornerstone of the foundation of recovery. I’ve learned that I do not have the power and control I once thought I had. I am powerless over what people think of me. I am powerless over just having missed the bus. I am powerless over how other people work (or don’t work) the Steps. But I’ve also learned I am not powerless over some things. I am not powerless over my attitudes. I am not powerless over negativity. I am not powerless over assuming responsibility for my own recovery. I have the power to exert a positive influence on myself, my loved ones, and the world in which I live.”

Local Alcoholics Anonymous Events To Plan For

There are lots of opportunities for fellowship and fun in the coming weeks.  Visit our events calendar for a complete list of upcoming events.

Monterey Intergroup Speaker Meeting
Saturday, January 25th 2019. 7:30 pm.

Hosted this month by the Sunrise Group that meets every day at 6.45am at St. James Church in Monterey on Franklin and High St. This is a monthly birthday meeting held on the last Saturday of each month (except for December when the meeting is held along with a holiday banquet ).  The first part of the meeting includes a presentation of birthday medallions for those celebrating annual A.A. anniversaries and all are invited to participate. Birthdays are followed by an A.A. speaker who shares for 40 to 45 minutes and the meeting ends about 9pm. The speaker is Johnny B. Coffee is typically ready no later than 7pm. Arrive early for good parking, fellowship and a great seat!

Monterey High School Cafeteria
Herman Drive at Larkin, Monterey CA 93940

News From General Service


A service piece for home groups, districts, areas:

Some of these discussion points were originally developed by an A.A. group and further developed by the trustees’ Literature Committee to be distributed by the General Service Office. While this checklist is intended as a starting point for discussion by groups, districts or areas, individual A.A. members may find it useful along with our co-founder Bill W.’s writings, a service sponsor if you have one and reflection on your own service experience. Additional information about the Concepts can be found in The A.A. Service Manual/Twelve Concepts for World Service and “The Twelve Concepts Illustrated” – pamphlet. (The Concepts stated here are in the short form.)

Concept I: Final responsibility and ultimate authority for A.A. world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship.

  • Does our group have a general service representative (G.S.R.)? Do we feel that our home group is part of A.A. as a whole and do our group’s decisions and actions reflect that?
  • Do we hold regular group conscience meetings encouraging everyone to participate? Do we pass that conscience on to the district, area, or the local intergroup meetings?
  • Is the “collective conscience” of Alcoholics Anonymous at work in my home group? In my area?
  • Where do we fit in the upside-down triangle of A.A.?
  • Are we willing to do what it takes to insure that our democracy of world service will work under all conditions?

Click Here To Get Current IGR Minutes and Financial Reports

A Note From Jana


Here we are at the New Year!  So glad to welcome 2020 and have a look back at 2019. First, let me thank the Steering Committee. Chris T.(chairperson) Kate E (treasurer) Daniella W.(recording secretary) the IGR-at large (Shena D, Brian S, Claudia C, John D. Brandon L, Joe M,) Our Twelve Step Chairs Amalia and Justin. These are the ‘trusted servants’ who make the decisions to keep our Central Office running smoothly, and making sure that we are all following the Traditions and keeping on track towards our Primary Purpose- to help the alcoholic who still suffers.

Also your Intergroup Representatives who keep the information flowing. Be sure that the groups that you attend regularly have an IGR – it is important to communicate with ALL of our fellowship so that we keep Monterey Bay Area Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous moving forward.

We have very good news. The budget for 2020 was passed with flying colors at the last IGR meeting. You can see it on the website under ‘about MBAIAA.  We also elected new officers to the Steering Committee. Welcome to those of you who stepped up – there is always plenty to do!

I am happy to report that soon we will be selling raffle tickets. The Annual Raffle looks a little different this year. In July of 2020, World Services is hosting the International Convention in Detroit Michigan. Many thousands of people from all over the world will attend.  The big prize for our annual raffle will be two registrations to the convention, two round trip flights to Detroit and accommodations for two for 5 nights.  Sales will begin mid – February and the winner will be drawn at the birthday meeting in April.  There is one requirement, however. If you win, you and the person travelling with you, must have a passport. The accommodations are only six miles away from the convention, but the hotel is in Windsor Canada. So you must be prepared! After the drawing you will have 2 months + to get ready.

So, I wish you all a sober and safe New Year filled with moments of happiness, joy and freedom.

We Are Always In Need Of People To Be Of Service

If you are interested in being a part of what we do here at Central Office, I am always looking for office volunteers. People to be on the other end of the phone when someone reaches out for help. It is generally a four hour commitment (either 9:30 – 1:30 or 1:30 – 5:30) 1 day per week. Currently, I need a few people to keep on a list of those that are willing to fill in for these positions once in a while. Call or come by and let’s talk!

In closing, please feel free to stop by Central Office. If you are one of the ‘Trusted Servants’ at a meeting (Secretary, Treasurer,etc,) and you have any questions about the responsibilities of that position, don’t hesitate to ask what those responsibilities might be.

I am in the office Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 -5:00.