MBAIAA Newsletter – January 2023

Published on January 27, 2023

Step 1 – “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.”

“We know that little good can come to any alcoholic who joins AA unless he has first accepted his devastating weakness and all its consequences. Until he so humbles himself, his sobriety – if any – will be precarious. Of real happiness, he will find none at all. Proved beyond doubt by an immense experience, this is one of the facts of AA life. The principle that we shall find no enduring strength until we first admit complete defeat is the main taproot from which our whole, Society has sprung and flowered.”

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions – Pages 21 – 24

What’s Happening Locally

Monthly Intergroup Birthday Meeting – Saturday, January 28th @ 7:00PM

This month’s host group will be Sunrise Group. This is a meeting that is both in person (at 6:45 am) and on Zoom.  The in-person meeting is at St James Church daily.  Speaking for the Sunrisers will be Oscar.

Place:  Monterey High School Cafeteria – 101 Herrmann Dr. Monterey CA 93940
Time: Saturday, January 28th at 7:00PM

Please come and support the fellowship!  You’re encouraged you to celebrate in whatever way makes you comfortable – wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, hug, don’t hug.  No judging of others who may or may not do things the way you would like them to.  Kindness, love and celebration will be the order of the day.

The monthly birthday meeting is held on the last Saturday of each month (except for December when the meeting is held along with a holiday banquet ).  The first part of the meeting includes a presentation of birthday medallions for those celebrating annual A.A. anniversaries – all are invited to participate.  Birthdays are followed by an A.A. speaker who shares for 40 to 45 minutes and the meeting ends about 8:30pm.  Coffee is typically ready no later than 6:30pm.  Arrive early for good parking, fellowship, and a great seat!

Monthly MBAR Planning meetings

Monterey Bay Area Roundup is a conference held at the conference center in Monterey in September. Get Involved in the planning- fun, and fellowship! The meetings are on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 10:00 am on Zoom.

  • ID 831 4306 2293
  • Password 2024

Be sure to join them as they plan the big MBAR event for September 2024!

News From General Service

District 01 is enthusiastic to begin Panel 73 with a fantastic group combining returning trusted servants and several new members. Presently, we have the following service positions available: Secretary, Archives, H&I Liaison, District Committee Member. If you believe you are available and/or would like to learn more, we’d love to see you at our next district meeting on February 21 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 800 Cass St. Monterey.  General Service is the link in chain between our local AA members and AA World Services.  If your group does not yet have a General Service Representative please consider electing a member to participate.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service to this program that has saved my life.

In love and service,

Annette C DCMC

“I am responsible, when anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there, and for that, I am responsible.”
Responsibility Statement

Current IGR Minutes & Financial Reports

A Note From Central Office

Here we are in late January. Happy, healthy New Year to ALL.

Here at the office, we ended the year, with a very successful Holiday Banquet. It was so great to get together and celebrate the holidays, after missing those special gatherings for a couple of years due to Covid.  As we completed the year and I tried to send out the year-end financial reports, I discovered a serious glitch in QuickBooks, I have added some of the year-end reports in this newsletter. I apologize for any confusion. I did what we are taught to do as alcoholics and asked for help, which did the trick. We have a newly updated QuickBooks system to start out the New Year.

Don’t forget, too, that we had an important election in early January. We have a new Steering Committee Chair – Jessica L. Also a new treasurer- Kate E and a new Recording Secretary- Bailey B.  Other new officers will be announced.  I look forward to working with them and be sure to thank them for their service to the fellowship. I also wish to thank the outgoing. officers, Brando L., Jessica L and Amalia S. and other members of the 2022 Steering Committee, Thank you so much for your help through the difficult times of the Pandemic.
We will be needing some other Steering Committee members and new IGR representatives. It’s a great way to be of service to the fellowship and to be a part of seeing MBAIAA into the years ahead.

I feel that MBAIAA has now seen our way through the difficult road of a critical worldwide health crisis and we seem to have landed on our feet, ready to face the coming years…TOGETHER!

Please keep Central Office posted about any meeting changes or any special events that might be happening. This Intergroup is about one thing – FELLOWSHIP! We need each other to continue to be happy, joyous and free.

Be well,


Look after each other, support each other, and remember that we can’t stay sober alone. Share with others what was so freely given to you.
“Nothing is so bad that a drink won’t make it worse.”
The Best of the Grapevine volume 3